Akadálymentes verzió


Fejér György Városi Könyvtár
8360 Keszthely, Zeppelin tér 3.
06-83/312-446, 06-83/511-102
8360 Keszthely, Kossuth u. 2.
Telefon: 06-83/312-303

Fejér György Library of Keszthely



Edited by Mrs. Xénia Amberg Kalmár

Membership is available for anybody either Hungarian or foreign citizen who accepts the rules of the library. The adult section of the library can be used by anybody older than 12 years of age. The membership is valid for 12 months and can be extended every year. Applicants will be required to provide evidence of identification of their personal information (name, place of birth, mother’s name, ID number, address) such as Photo ID and proof of address upon joining. Applicant below the age of 16 needs to sign a guarantee form upon joining.

Applicants from non-EU countries need to provide their temporary residence permit and their passport. Photo ID will be required from citizens of EU countries. Those foreign citizens who do not hold a temporary residence permit can become members of the library if a Hungarian citizen 18 or over act as collateral for him or her.

Readers must inform the library of any changes to their current address or personal data.

Annual membership fees:

 Other services such as inter-library loans, photocopying etc. are subject to the annual rate.

Rules of the library:

The following services are available for Visitor’s Pass and Reader’s Card holders free of charge:

The following services are only available for those paying the membership fee:

The following services are only available by paying extra fee:

Borrowing entitlements:
Readers/members are entitled to loan a maximum of:

Items on Loan:
Any borrower who fails to return a book until the end of the book return period and does not ask for a renewal (in person, by mail, by phone or via email) shall be liable to a fine and postage fee accordingly:

Readers can ask for a notice via email 5 days before the end and an overdue reminder one day after the end of the borrowing period.

After 2 weeks from the end of the borrowing period the borrower will be sent a notice letter to return the documents.

Failure to return the document after one month from the end of the borrowing period will result another notice from the library urging the borrower to return the library material. This notice letter will be sent to the collateral if the borrower hasn’t got his/her own income. The letter contains details about the borrowed materials such as its type and number of pieces.

In case the documents will be returned the borrower will be charged with the postage fee and the fine for the late return.

In case the notice is still inefficient we send a Signed For letter to the borrower. In this case the fee for each overdue material and the postage fee need to be paid. Once a year, the date is assigned by the manager of the library, we do not charge for registration and we shall reduce the fee payable for overdue items.

Every lost document needs to be replaced by the borrower. If it cannot be done you will be charged the cost of replacing the item or the cost of photocopying and binding the book.

Other rules:

Adults’ Department

Fejér György Library of Keszthely
3. Zeppelin Square
H-8360 Keszthely
Tel.: 06-83/312-446, 06-83/511-102, 30/383-3816;
General enquires: info@fgyvk.hu
Readers’ Services (extensions): kkozi@fgyvk.hu
Webpage: www.fgyvk.hu

Opening times:

Winter (in term time)

Readers’ Services

IT and musical services

Summer (during school holiday)

Readers’ Services

IT and musical services

 Children’s Department


Children’s Library
2. Kossuth L. Street
Keszthely, H-8360
Tel.: 06-83/312-303
E-mail: gyermekkonyvtar@fgyvk.hu

Opening hours:

Winter (in term time)

Summer (during school holiday)

Beach library


Beach of Keszthely
H-8360 Keszthely, Csik Ferenc sétány 3. (Városi strand)

Opening hours:

Assigned summer term
Monday-Sunday: 10:00-17:00